I'm so happy to see you!

Hi! I'm Jennifer, the face behind the lens. I am a social entrepreneur, an avid traveler, a voracious reader, and attempting to be a homeschooling mama to a young learner. My passion in photography lies in capturing the daily intimate moments in life and the awe in our environment -- both natural and man-made. I take pictures as a side hustle to my main gig -- Marie Kondo-ing social impact ventures. What does that mean? I help them commit to a process for growing, imagine their ultimate dreams and goals, discard inefficiencies and things that have run their course, and find joy in their new, strategic path. More succinctly put, I advise executives and leaders in strategic growth, leadership, and performance development. I have dedicated my life and career to empowering underserved communities and marginalized populations from grassroots to the board room. I've lived all over the world and have had some great adventures along the way. Now, I live on a ranch in Oklahoma and try to keep up with my young daughter who always seems to be a few steps ahead of me.

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